A Time for a Change…
Hi guys, I’m going to tell you a little about my new journey into software engineering and why I chose to to pursue it. I have been in NYC for almost 10 years now (crazy!) working as a special events caterer. Its was a pretty fun job in all honesty (basically it was just a party every day). After all this time though it became more and more apparent that I wasn’t challenging myself, just coasting along and then…

the pandemic hit.
Working in events was the first thing to go under the lockdown regulations and looks like it will be that way for the foreseeable future. Lucky me though! There is always a bright light at the end of the tunnel. With so much free time I was able to find out new interests and one of them thanks to my two brothers (who are in the same cohort at Flatiron Academy btw) is coding. I realized how fun and rewarding it can be. It is a constant puzzle and truly utilizes problem solving skills. I needed something like this in my life and I am so happy to have found it or rather that it found me. I haven’t been as excited to see what the future holds mmmm ever. Here is to the future!
Joseph Abe