Inorder TraversalFor this weeks code challange, I have decided to tackle inorder traversal.Dec 17, 2021Dec 17, 2021
Big O NotationSomething that I have seen frequently, but glossed over is Big O notation. I finally decided to look deeper into it and regret not doing it…Dec 11, 2021Dec 11, 2021
Binary Search TreeI am currently studying data structures, and because of its popularity in coding challanges I’m going to start with the binary search tree…Dec 4, 2021Dec 4, 2021
Palindrome Number?This week I am going to explain my solution the the palindrome number problem. A palindrome is a number that read the same forwards and it…Nov 26, 2021Nov 26, 2021
onlyDigits()This week I decided to tackle the tech interview question “only digits”. In this problem you are tasked with discovering if a string…Nov 20, 2021Nov 20, 2021
missingNumber()This weeks coding challange is to find the missing number in a string from 1 to 100. I came to a very quick and simple solution to this…Nov 13, 2021Nov 13, 2021
singleInteger()I have heard about this interview question many times, so this week I decided to take it on. Here is a description of the problem at hand…Nov 5, 2021Nov 5, 2021
twoNumbers()Two numbers is a fun problem where you are tasked to create a function that takes 2 arguments; an array of numbers and a target. Within the…Oct 30, 2021Oct 30, 2021
AnagramRunning a google search for the word anagram you will see that an anagram is..Oct 22, 2021Oct 22, 2021
Roman Numeral to IntegerContinuing my algorithm practice I ran into a pretty fun and challenging problem. The task is to make a function that takes a roman numeral…Oct 15, 2021Oct 15, 2021